Written by Elizabeth Exline
Reviewed by Briana Houlihan, MBA, G-PM, Dean, College of General Studies
If college degrees were cliché high school cliques, the business and IT degrees would be the popular kids while the liberal arts degrees would be the theater and debate students.
What does that mean for your career? Well, just as a high school reunion invariably surprises with the outcomes of one’s peers, getting a liberal arts degree can lead to a variety of roles that enhance your life rather than define it.
Contrary to what you might assume from the name, a liberal arts degree refers neither to politics nor art.
Rather, the term liberal refers to freedom of thought and exploration, while arts refers to areas of study like the humanities and social sciences.
As with any education, a liberal arts education enhances one’s knowledge and empowers a person to successfully engage with and shape the world.
The essence of a degree in liberal arts is to encourage critical-thinking, problem-solving and effective communication skills by grounding a student’s education in the various branches of classical knowledge. These are skills that find purpose in a variety of careers.
Sound fancy? In a way, it is. Instead of honing your computer science skills or mastering the styles of leadership, an arts degree offers students the luxury of study and thought.
But that doesn’t mean it’s education for education’s sake. As noted in U.S. News & World Report, liberal arts majors often have the sophistication and curiosity to grow into a variety of roles. Which one simply depends on a graduate’s interest.
An arts degree can take many forms, from an online English degree to even an online environmental science degree, depending on the institution a student attends.
In medieval times, the liberal arts referred to seven key areas of study:
Today, a liberal arts major might study:
Liberal arts colleges are higher education institutions whose curriculum and degree programs underscore the classical areas of study mentioned above: the humanities, science, mathematics and the social sciences.
Additionally, they “may offer a curriculum with or without an option for a major,” writes U.S. News & World Report.
Students may enroll in a liberal arts program at most colleges or universities, but if they attend a liberal arts college, their studies will touch on a wide range of subjects and even experiences.
The same article, for example, references class trips as opportunities for personal exploration and growth, which are valued as part of the liberal arts college experience.
Perhaps even more compelling, a study by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce found, “The ROI at liberal arts institutions is the third highest among the 14 different types of four-year institutions.” That finding, however, is mitigated by other factors such as choice of major, choice of school and regional per capita income.
Liberal arts colleges have a few other traits in common as well:
Is research easy? Is critical thought easy? Is effective writing easy? No. And neither is liberal arts.
That said, it is interesting. And for curious students eager to expand their knowledge across disciplines, a liberal arts may not be easy, but it is worth the effort.
Sometimes, a liberal arts degree is considered easy because, depending on your area of study, you may not be required to take more advanced courses in subjects you find challenging. But choosing a degree program based on what you want to avoid makes less sense than basing your choice on your skills and aptitudes.
Yes, jobs in business and information technology are growing, but the arts, with their focus on the humanities and social sciences, offer students a different way of thinking about their education and careers. Whereas business majors often plan on pursuing careers in that field, the liberal arts are less restrictive. Their holistic approach to learning, thinking and even living means you could major in the liberal arts and be as likely to pursue a career in law as poetry.
A degree in liberal arts can be ideal for students with a lot of curiosity about the world and flexibility with regard to their careers. For those looking to pursue a singular career in a technical field like computer science, on the other hand, liberal arts probably isn’t the best use of your time or money.
Lots of things! In addition to imparting a love of learning and a broad base of knowledge, liberal arts gives students the privilege of choice.
What does that mean?
Consider the skills covered in a liberal arts program:
These form the foundational soft skills that are in demand virtually everywhere. That means graduates get transferable skills that can be applied to a variety of roles and industries.
While it’s true that, from a financial this degree has a somewhat middling potential, it’s equally true that you’ll get from it what you put into it. For every Hamilton Project that reveals liberal arts degrees fall just above early childhood education degrees and just below criminal justice degrees in terms of median lifetime earnings, there is a CEO who defies the odds. (Looking at you, Howard Schultz!)
How can a degree in liberal arts improve your life? Let us count the ways.
1. It can make you innovative. Remember how a liberal arts degree focuses on learning many disciplines and finding connections between disparate subjects? Well, one result of that practice is enhanced problem-solving and innovation.
2. It prepares you to weather the ups and downs of the job market. As portfolio careers gain momentum in the modern workplace, candidates who have knowledge of a broad range of subjects as well as transferable skills become more flexible job candidates. Another perk? While automation is a real concern for many industries, the liberal arts is a domain relatively free of the threat posed by artificial intelligence.
3. It can help you become a better teacher. This doesn’t just apply to professional teachers. Knowing how to share information makes you a more valuable colleague and a potential leader in the workplace.
4. It lays the foundation for graduate school. Being well versed in the liberal arts means you know how to research and learn across various disciplines. What does this sound like? (Hint: It begins with “diss” and ends with “ertation.”)
What jobs can’t you prepare for with a liberal arts degree?
OK, maybe the liberal arts aren’t quite that versatile, but they do set graduates on track for a variety of careers. Here, we outline some real-world options.
Overview: Develop written content for various media, including advertisements, blogs, books, magazines and the arts.
National salary range: Creative writers earned between $40,900 and $148,240 in May 2023, with a median wage of $73,690, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Education requirements: A college degree in English, communication or journalism is typical.
Job outlook: Jobs are projected to grow 4% between 2022 and 2032, according to BLS.
Salary ranges are not specific to students or graduates of University of Phoenix. Actual outcomes vary based on multiple factors, including prior work experience, geographic location and other factors specific to the individual. University of Phoenix does not guarantee employment, salary level or career advancement. BLS data is geographically based. Information for a specific state/city can be researched on the BLS website.
BLS Occupational Employment Projections, 2022-2032 is published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This data reflects BLS’ projections of national (not local) conditions. These data points are not specific to University of Phoenix students or graduates.
Overview: Convey complex and/or technical information clearly and succinctly via instruction manuals, how-to guides, journal articles and related documents.
National salary range: In May 2023, technical writers earned between $48,630 and $129,440, with a median wage of $80,050, according to BLS.
Education requirements: A bachelor’s degree in English, communication or journalism is typical.
Job outlook: Jobs are projected to grow 7% between 2022 and 2032, according to BLS.
Overview: Work to protect the environment and human health via knowledge of the natural sciences.
National salary range: Environmental specialists earned between $48,580 and $133,660 with a median wage of $78,980, in May 2023, according to BLS.
Education requirements: A bachelor’s degree in natural science or a science-related field is typical.
Job outlook: Jobs are projected to grow 6% between 2026 and 2032, according to BLS.
Remember that privilege of choice afforded by a liberal arts degree? It turns out that applies to more than just transferable skills. A liberal arts degree is the preferred degree for several graduate or professional degrees.
According to EDsmart.org, for example, the top 10 majors for law school do not include pre-law. They do include English, history, philosophy and other humanities degrees, as well as some science degrees.
Coupled with a solid LSAT score, these liberal arts majors are attractive to law schools for the educational foundations they provide. Specifically, these are abstract and logical thinking, reading comprehension and reasoning skills.
Perhaps more surprisingly, liberal arts majors may even pursue medical school after completing a bachelor’s degree program. U.S News & World Report notes that at least 19% of students entering 12 different medical schools in 2019 did so with a degree in either the humanities or social sciences.
The advantages of pursuing a degree in liberal arts ahead of medical school are profound. For one, it’s a differentiating factor that will set you apart from most applicants. It’s also a good way to become a more dynamic and relatable doctor.
Does this mean pre-med students should jump ship on their biology degrees and major in philosophy instead? Not exactly. The majority of medical students do pursue majors in a science discipline, and everyone must complete the prerequisite classes no matter which degree he or she pursues. But opting for a degree in the liberal arts can offer graduates more options than they might think.
Where traditional liberal arts colleges create the proverbial ivory tower experience for students, University of Phoenix brings the liberal arts into the real world.
As with all programs at University of Phoenix, the liberal arts offerings are grounded in relevant skills aligned to specific career outcomes, whether that’s working as a technical writer or serving as an environmental specialist.
Find out more about liberal arts and other programs at University of Phoenix.
Elizabeth Exline has been telling stories ever since she won a writing contest in third grade. She's covered design and architecture, travel, lifestyle content and a host of other topics for national, regional, local and brand publications. Additionally, she's worked in content development for Marriott International and manuscript development for a variety of authors.
Briana Houlihan is the dean of the College of General Studies at University of Phoenix. For more than 20 years, Houlihan has strongly advocated for first-generation and underserved working learners. She has made it her mission to enhance the skills focus within general education coursework to bring value to undergraduate students from day one of their program.
This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee.
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